Narodeninové víly: Júl
28 júla
Och, také nezvyčajné mesačné ticho, ani som si neuvedomila, ako sa to stalo a že ubehla taká doba. No keď mne sa tak nechcelo. Aj času bolo málo. Ale šup-šup Suzi, je čas zorganizovať to aj tu!
Ja len dúfam, že stihnem spraviť abecedu, ešte stále na nej pracujem. Voľný čas sa mi však skrátil tak na 4 hodiny a to si dva krát premyslím, kde ho investujem. Takže takto na takmer záver mesiaca som tu s júlovou vílou, ktorej spoločnosť robí stračia nôžka. Predloha na túto krásku sa dá stiahnuť tu.
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So unusual monthly silence but I´m alive and I´m here. I don´t know how it happened, so much time has passed. But I was so lazy to post. I also haven´t had so much time. But go, Suzi, go! It's time to organize it here too!
I just hope that alphabet SAL will be done since the month will end. I´m still working on it. I finally found a full time job and my free time was shortened to four hours. Now I invest my energy to the other things. So July fairy with delphinium flower is here. You can find a pattern for this beauty here
I just hope that alphabet SAL will be done since the month will end. I´m still working on it. I finally found a full time job and my free time was shortened to four hours. Now I invest my energy to the other things. So July fairy with delphinium flower is here. You can find a pattern for this beauty here
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